Saturday, April 21, 2012

Up-cycled Clothes for a Quirky little Princess

I had a few shirts that I combined to make this little outfit.  It’s a bit quirky, but for me, that was part of the fun. 
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I took the shirts below, and came up with a game plan.  I liked the colors of both the teal polka-dots and the pink stripes.  The other shirt I just loved the lace detail, and also the elastic at the end of the shirt I was able to re-use for the pant’s waistband.
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I took the pink shirt and made it into Capri-pants.  I bought a tutorial on Etsy that was fantastically easy, and now that I’ve made a pair or two, I can do it with my eyes closed.  I just adjust the length as needed.  If you’d like a tutorial, you can get the one that worked for me, HERE.
I pulled out my ribbon case, and pieced together what I had to work with, coming up with different combinations, until I found what I liked.
One day she’ll probably roll her eyes at me, but for now, she's happy with her little outfit, and the pocket in front is a favorite!  There’s something about seeing my little girl wearing something that I created, particularly rewarding.  Maybe it’s because as she’s running around the yard playing, I can’t put my finger on all the sleepless nights, the number of diapers changed, or the number of lullabies sung, but I can point to that little outfit (however quirky) and say “My baby girl, I made it just for you!”  There’s something about that, that just feels good. 