Monday, November 4, 2013

The Fall of 2012

So, I'm trying to fill in the missing pieces, of how we got to where we are now.  And I don't want to forget the amazing things that happened along the way... So, for my own sake, I'm writing these posts.

Hubby and I went back and forth for a long time over our decision to move.  We didn't talk to too many people while we were processing everything.  Mostly, we prayed.  I felt sure and ready before Hubby, but I think he has a lot more weight on his shoulders.  For me, it was a matter of surrender..... and trust.  For Hubs, he also had the concern of supporting us under much more difficult circumstances, and protecting our family, in a place riddled with crime.
It took another middle of the night phone call for us to move forward.  MIL went back into ICU, and we felt our time was running out.  Hubby came home one day, and said to call the Realtor and get the house on the market.  He was working full time, and I know I've never worked as hard as I did those next three weeks.  Along with homeschooling the kids, and then, just keeping them alive :o), I worked hours upon hours getting our yard and house in shape to sell.  We had neglected every flower bed, every island, every shrub... well, let's face it, we were never great yard people, our excuse being we didn't know how.  Well, having to sell, you'll figure it out, and that's just what we did.  Including replacing the front porch ceiling, lots of paint, and a new flagstone walkway.  It was HARD work!
We put the house on the market on a Thursday, and that same night our Realtor was there taking pictures, Hubby had a Skype interview for a job here in South Africa, and Got The Job!!  That meant so much to our peace of mind, knowing he had work the minute we landed.  He had to start by October 20th.
Then I did the math.  Our house would have to go under contract in 3 weeks if we were to close on time, and get to SA before that deadline.  Our Realtor nearly fainted when we told her, but we just smiled and assured her she was doing a great job, and we were directing these prayers UP.
I can honestly say that through all these BIG changes in our lives, we were living on the Mountain Top, in the Spiritual Sense.  We felt God's presence in every facet of our lives.  He was leading, directing, and speaking to us as though it was His audible voice.
Friends would ask if I was ok... I'd never been better.

Writing this a year after the time gives one hindsight that I don't know if I should include at this point, or just let it reveal itself... :o)  I guess I'll just say, that since we were doing this "nice" thing in moving to help Hubby's family, and we knew God was leading us there, and we were being so submissive to His Will, it felt like once we arrived, the path would be paved in gold.  It was not...

In any case, our house sold in 3 weeks to the DAY!  God Answers Prayer!