Monday, November 4, 2013

Letter, May 2012

May 19th, 2012
So, my MILaw got sick and gave us all a good scare.
We prayed and prayed, and then decided to pick up and move to South Africa.
I wrote her this letter about our journey...
I'm putting it here for myself.  To remember.  God is good, He loves us, and He does have a plan for our lives that He is working out for His purposes.

"I want you to hear, in my own words, why I believe God may be bringing us back to South Africa.  I want to tell you this so you don't think its just a whim, or wishful thinking, and that it will pass once you are better again.

There have been 3 things holding me back from wanting to move to SA.  1. Anxiety over the safety of my children.  2. Not feeling comfortable sending our children to school in a "foreign" country.  (I know that must sound odd.  :o))  3. Not wanting to leave our Church where we feel so connected, have an amazing friend base, and have grown so much since being there.

1. In November, just before we left to come to SA for Christmas, 2 tragic things happened.  A friend died in a motorcycle accident, and my friend lost her full-term baby for no reason.  (And then another dear friend lost her baby.)  Those events were awful.  With them came the realization that I can panic all the time over my kids' safety, but God ultimately is the giver and taker of life.  I can't control everything.  I had to give those fears over to God. For the first time since having my children, I was able to ENJOY being in SA with them.

2. You know our reasons to home-school, and how they had nothing to do with South Africa.  However, our decision to home-school completely takes care of my (unreasonable) fear in that regard.

3.  The week before you (Mom) got sick, A pastor from Fish Hoek, South Africa was a guest speaker at our Church here in the States.  It was FANTASTIC! While his church probably isn't close enough to be our home church, it showed us that what God has provided for us here (in a strong church family, dear friends..) He can provide for us in SA as well.

If this is truly God's Will for us, we are praying that He would provide Arno with a job that would support our family. We both understand that SA is a two-income household out of necessity.  We are praying for a miracle.  If these last 3 weeks have taught us anything, it's that God is a God of Miracles!  That nothing is impossible for Him!  I am excited to see where He is taking us.  I feel like we are seeing the path being paved, we just don't know yet where it's leading, or what doors will be opened along the way.

God has blessed us by giving us the past 10 years with my family during a time when we REALLY needed it.  (For many reasons I won't list here.  :o))

Now, it is our heart's desire to be with all of you, when we know you need us. We want you to pray along with us, for God's provision.  For us to be Steadfast in pursuing (and surrendering to) God's Will for our lives."

May 2012