I had this shirt in my closet, and I liked all of the lacy trim, but I didn’t like how it fit, and decided to get rid of it. I snatched it back out of the donate pile though, as inspiration struck. I’d made a pillowcase dress before, and realized that if I removed the part of the shirt above the lace band, it could easily work. (And with minimal sewing!)
I made a pair of linen pants to go with it, and used the “booby covers” that I’d cut off the shirt as back pockets. I didn’t get a picture of the back of the pants, but it turned out really cute! The only things I had to purchase were the ribbon, the fabric for the pants, and elastic. In all, less than $8 for an outfit she wore to all the fall festivals.
If you need a good tutorial for pants, HERE is the one that I purchased off of Etsy. The lady walks you through, step by step, exactly how to make pants! Super Easy!!